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Pekanbaru Railway
Locomotive remains at Lipat Kain

Pekanbaru Death Railway
Sumatra. 1945. Imprisoned Australian troops released in Sumatra shown carrying the food containers used to transport food to the prisoners. The food was almost inedible. Left to right: Sergeant F. Brown of Adelaide, SA; Private (Pte) L. Bett of Launceston, Tas; Pte P. Renson of Southport, Tas; Pte G. Spencer of Bracknell, Tas; Pte J. Rose of Ulverstone, Tas; C. Bell of Melbourne, Vic; and C. Foster of Adelaide, SA. (Australian War Memorial)

Pekanbaru Railway
Bridge foundations near camp 9 at Logas

Pekanbaru Railway
Locomotive remains at Lipat Kain
日本は1942年にスマトラ島に侵入し、悪名高いタイのビルマ鉄道の技術者を使って、新たに捕らえた120,000人以上の奴隷を鉄道建設に従事させました。 これらの奴隷は、地元のインドネシア人であるだけでなく、東部の植民地が崩壊したときに捕らえられた捕虜でもありました。
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